Here is the start of a GWR 4253 Locomotive build from a Warren Shepherd kit. The locomotive will be modelled on the real locomotive currently being restored by the Kent & East Sussex Railway under the ‘4253’ Company.
Firstly the kit provides a number of chassis configurations and motor mounting options, once we worked out the plan, we had to fit all the springs to the frames, that had been joggled over the rear axel.
Frames fitted on our assembly jig for alignment shows that the motor mounting holes on the etch are too low, front cylinder mounts fitted and mid frame spacer ensuring frames are square. The cylinders will be removable.
Rivets, Rivets, Rivets….over 400 hand pressed so far. This is the footplate and valances, needed to be assemble in order to fix the final chassis supports (which hold the body to the chassis). You can also see the range of castings being prepared for the cylinders, brakes and suspension.
Further progress made, full chassis and coupling rods now all fitted, along with the cylinder slide bars, cylinder wraps. Chassis now rolls under its self weight.
Also complete is the footplate and valance arrangement, this has the stepped feature above the cylinders just as the prototype.
Chassis is now fully complete and rolls nicely with the machined coupling rods. Cylinders are finished and work now starts on the body work, boiler and tapered section has been rolled. Just a few hundred rivets need to be pressed on the tank and bunker sides.
Further progress made now that the 1000’s of rivets have been hand pressed, coal bunker taking shape, tank sides and boiler formed. Attention now on the cab, and tank sides/boiler interface.
Further update, the body is complete and we're now adding castings. The chassis is now being cleaned and prepared for first prime coat.
Further build progress, the whole body is almost complete with a small number of castings to add, and some window bars and rear handrails. Cab roof is to be formed.
The build is fully complete now and ready for a good clean prior to the prime coat.
Painting underway with the first prime coat applied. Inspection of the bodywork will identify any small blemishes that require filling before the second coat. Once dry the gloss coats will be added.
The photos below show the cab detail ready for painting.